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Meet The Grahams Lyrics

WEB Meet the Grahams Lyrics

Dear Adonis, I'm Sorry

WEB Kendrick Lamar Kendrick Lamar Duckworth meet the grahams lyrics Dear Adonis Im sorry that that man is your father let me be honest.

It Takes a Man to Be a Man

In his latest release, Kendrick Lamar takes aim at Drake once again, with the lyrics to "Meet the Grahams" serving as a third round of smoke in this ongoing rap war. Lamar opens the track with a heartfelt apology to Adonis, Drake's son, expressing regret that his father is not the man he should be.

Lamar goes on to paint a picture of a difficult childhood, where challenges were always present. He acknowledges the hardships that Adonis will face as he grows up, but encourages him to stand tall and not let them define him.

The song concludes with a powerful message about the importance of fatherhood and the responsibility that comes with it. Lamar implores fathers to be present and involved in their children's lives, to provide guidance and support.


Kendrick Lamar's "Meet the Grahams" is a thought-provoking and emotionally charged track that tackles the complex issues of fatherhood and masculinity. Lamar's lyrics leave a lasting impression, challenging listeners to reflect on the role they play in the lives of their loved ones.
